Well, it's been quite a while since posting any updates here. Clearly my trip is long over, but I still get reminders of how it ended periodically in the mail.
For all of you who often think TLDR (that's shorthand for 'Too Long, Didn't Read') I'll try to give the reader's digest version of what's happened since my unexpected rendezvous with Bambi's mom:
I've mostly healed and have a pretty good scar on my knee which causes some tightness, but I have most of my range of motion back. There is still tenderness if I try to kneel on my left knee, and it doesn't have the same strength when I try to extend it, but I'll keep trying to rehab it one day at a time. I can't thank Jeff and Kimberlee enough for all their help after the crash. Between picking me up, helping retrieve the bike, and letting it darken their street for a few weeks before it was picked up - I truly appreciate it. At the very least, I owe you guys dinner the next time we get together.
I’m back in the saddle, having commuted to work thrice this week on my GSXR. The real test will be when I go on a more spirited ride where more weight will be moved from one leg to the other. Baby steps for now, but I’m really looking forward to getting back out on the track.
I've settled everything with AAA as far as the Kawasaki's concerned. I was hoping to get a better reimbursement on the bike, but because the dealership listed my base purchase price so low, there wasn't any better they could do. AAA did reimburse me for the protective gear I was wearing at the time, so I certainly can't complain much on that end.
The other day I received a letter from the Oregon Department of Transportation indicating that my driving privileges were going to be revoked in Oregon unless I file an accident report ASAP. Apparently that's why I never heard from the police officer that was supposedly dispatched to investigate the crash (because they never went). Like most correspondence with government organizations, I am rather annoyed with Oregon’s DoT. I fail to see what my accident report is going to provide for the state of Oregon other than more paperwork for them to review and file. The only property (and person) that was damaged was my own, and I’ve already taken care of the insurance issues on my end.
I had also received three bills: one from the hospital, one from the ambulance company and one from the radiologist who had read my x-rays. After giving them all of my insurance information, I have only received a letter from my health insurance indicating that they’re in the process of resolving the fees for the radiologist, and not heard anything more. I'm assuming that my health/car insurance has taken care of any payment the others required.
All in all, I can't complain very much. Hitting an animal like that on a motorcycle could have seriously maimed or killed me, but I managed to get out of it with a minor flesh wound and some bruises. I have fond memories of the trip leading up to that point; the places I saw, the people I met and the roads I enjoyed. Now I have to find another bike to replace the one that's gone. Hopefully the next one will be a little bit more comfortable for Kitty, as she was a bit saddle sore after our trip to Monterey back in July. I just can't wait to do another road trip though, and hopefully next time some friends will be able to join me