I originally wasn’t going to do much of a write-up for our
final day of the ride, as it was quite uneventful compared to the rest of the trip. We woke up relatively early and
were on the road before 9am . Rather
than look for a local place to eat in Santa Cruz ,
we opted to stop somewhere on the way south, possibly coinciding with a fuel
We fueled up in Prunedale and then stopped for a bite at a
Starbuck’s in Salinas . Taking 101
was decided as the best option since there was rain and wind still in the
forecast and we didn’t want to get halfway down highway 1 and discover it was
closed at one of the construction points. Our experience the day before at the Point
Reyes lighthouse was still leaving a sour taste in our mouths. 101
was a very uneventful ride home, with minimal traffic and only a few sprinkles
of rain. The only close call was when Erik’s bike started to sputter and he
switched over to his reserve gas tank as we rode just south of Atascadero .
Fortunately, he had enough to make it to SLO and we filled up there, saying our
goodbyes to Ben knowing he’d peel off at Nipomo.
What a fantastic trip it was for all of us. I know that we’re
hoping to do more in the future – hopefully Tioga
Pass (summer) and Death
Valley (fall or spring). I couldn’t have asked for better
traveling companions, as everyone got along really well and enjoyed one another’s
humor and camaraderie. With any luck, we’ll get a few more people to join us on
a future trip, and hopefully we’ll have a few more intercoms between all of us.
They really made a huge difference for navigation, en-route communications and
the convenience of music without earphones. I can’t speak highly enough of the
Sena units we used.
Until next time…
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